Web Marketing just got easier

If you’ve been following my tweets and facebook profile you’ll notice that Dimdim just launched version 5 today. In my spare time as their CMO, I’m attempting to use Apple’s “5 Secrets” that I share in my free eBook to help Dimdim achieve success via better marketing.

One of those secrets discussed is “Empower Early Adopters.”  To do this, good marketers must provide simple tools to help their early customers spread the word. YouTube is an excellent example of how a simple embed code and a watermark made it possible for anyone to post video on their website. Right now Facebook is using a similar tactic to encourage others to join. Search for a friend on Google and if they have a Facebook profile, Google will report that “Jane Doe is on Facebook” with their profile picture. Click it, and you are asked to join Facebook to reconnect.

Dimdim is taking a similar approach – making it possible for anyone to sign up for free to host web conferences with up to 20 people using our free hosted version. We’ve eliminated any need for extra software to be installed on attendee’s computers so people join your meeting with one click. We’ve shipped open source versions so you can download and install it on your own servers. We even post an open API guide to create all kinds of mashups. And it is working. Now nearly 2 Million people are using Dimdim.

What I believe is really exciting about Dimdim is how it can help marketers spread their words for less. Want to host a webinar to get the word out but don’t have much cash?  Sign up for Dimdim, schedule the event, grab our new Webinar Widget, and paste it on your site. People sign up just by entering their email address and you hold your event in Dimdim.  Now people can see and hear you, watch your presentation, ask live questions and get to know you and your product. Simple! I do a weekly live webinar on Dimdim; here is that new widget – I’d love to see you next week:

Enjoy using Dimdim and let me know how it helps you or what else you need. We’re listening carefully to the needs of the market and innovating as fast as we can. That’s one reason why this blog gets updated infrequently. Here is our embeddable launch video – there are many more on our site.

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Web Marketing just got easier

If you’ve been following my tweets and facebook profile you’ll notice that Dimdim just launched version 5 today. In my spare time as their CMO, I’m attempting to use Apple’s “5 Secrets” that I share in my free eBook to help Dimdim achieve success via better marketing.

One of those secrets discussed is “Empower Early Adopters.”  To do this, good marketers must provide simple tools to help their early customers spread the word. YouTube is an excellent example of how a simple embed code and a watermark made it possible for anyone to post video on their website. Right now Facebook is using a similar tactic to encourage others to join. Search for a friend on Google and if they have a Facebook profile, Google will report that “Jane Doe is on Facebook” with their profile picture. Click it, and you are asked to join Facebook to reconnect.

Dimdim is taking a similar approach – making it possible for anyone to sign up for free to host web conferences with up to 20 people using our free hosted version. We’ve eliminated any need for extra software to be installed on attendee’s computers so people join your meeting with one click. We’ve shipped open source versions so you can download and install it on your own servers. We even post an open API guide to create all kinds of mashups. And it is working. Now nearly 2 Million people are using Dimdim.

What I believe is really exciting about Dimdim is how it can help marketers spread their words for less. Want to host a webinar to get the word out but don’t have much cash?  Sign up for Dimdim, schedule the event, grab our new Webinar Widget, and paste it on your site. People sign up just by entering their email address and you hold your event in Dimdim.  Now people can see and hear you, watch your presentation, ask live questions and get to know you and your product. Simple! I do a weekly live webinar on Dimdim; here is that new widget – I’d love to see you next week:

Enjoy using Dimdim and let me know how it helps you or what else you need. We’re listening carefully to the needs of the market and innovating as fast as we can. That’s one reason why this blog gets updated infrequently. Here is our embeddable launch video – there are many more on our site.

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