Microsoft Fights Back

I’m glad to see this.  Seems like some people in Redmond think that with Steve out of action, now is the time to strike.  I’m eager to see the commercials – not just for their creativeness – but to see if their timing is right.  Apple is in danger of all fads – too much for too long tires people out. Can Microsoft become cool again?

I don’t know but my gut tells me that Apple knows this and they are waiting for the perfect time to shock and awe the world again. All those iTunes dollars are funding something big…

As soon as they sense Mr. Bill & Co. have closed some psychological coolness gap, Apple will do something amazing.  Or perhaps Apple’s time in the sun is over for a while.  We’ll see.

Update:  So just when I was willing to give Microsoft the benefit of the doubt, I see them up to their old stupidity again.  I discovered that these ads are online, at Microsoft’s own website.  So I wanted to watch them.  But then I got this message:

Picture 2There is no way I’m installing another plug-in on my browser just to watch videos.  Microsoft should know this is the kneejerk reaction of all Mac users – and most other web surfers.  The videos should have been in Flash or MPEG2 or even WMV.  Want to really impress those Mac guys?  Offer an HD Quicktime version.  But this is a marketing site who’s purpose is simply to spread the word.  And you have to make it easy for your customers to do this.  I’m spreading the word:  Microsoft still doesn’t get it. Call me Steve (Ballmer) if that’s not clear enough for you.  Oh yeah, and read my eBook!  It’s a PDF and it’s free.

Mac Fans Fight Back: Love the Mac Fanboy response to this ad: guy offers to give his 17″ MacBook for free!

One more: Did Microsoft FAKE Lauren’s entrance to the “Mac” Store?

5 thoughts on “Microsoft Fights Back”

  1. I too am anxious to see the ads. Not that I am much of MicroSoft user, but because I really enjoy a good advert no matter the product. I got a kick out of the Bill and Jerry ads and wished they would have stayed with that campaign, the ones that replaced them were ho hum.
    As to Apple’s “shock and awe,” well they play chess and seems everyone else plays checkers.

  2. I like the idea of the add, but as an avid Mac user I believe you pay for what you get. I don’t look at Macs as luxury items, just quality items. I do look at PCs as second rate, and so many different brands make you wonder which ones are high quality and which aren’t, since you can’t really look under the hood.
    That Silverlight is really annoying too. Seriously, it’s so simple to create videos that work in all browsers. Customers appreciate it when things are easy and simple. Make it complicated and aggravating and just watch everyone run in horror.

  3. In regards to installing Silverlight I don’t have a problem with that. It is their format and don’t we need Flash to see stuff on Adobe’s site? Question, what does Apple use on their site, QuickTime I would think.
    Anyway, I watched the ad at as I have yet to see it on TV. I noted that she went to the “Mac Store” instead of the Apple Store, the script probably read “MAC store.”
    I am not up on PCs as well as I am on Mac hardware. How does the notebook she bought compare to a even a 13 inch MacBook. Monitor resolution, hard drive read/write speed, wireless speed, and so on. Not to mention comparisons of installed software such as iLife.

  4. I don’t like the idea of installing an additional plug-in either. I’m wondering how many people decided to skip viewing the ad becuase of it.
    Gary Jensen | The Pickle Fork

  5. What about installing QT for viewing stuff in apple website?! With all due respect you are biased and your complain is not accepted…

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Microsoft Fights Back

I’m glad to see this.  Seems like some people in Redmond think that with Steve out of action, now is the time to strike.  I’m eager to see the commercials – not just for their creativeness – but to see if their timing is right.  Apple is in danger of all fads – too much for too long tires people out. Can Microsoft become cool again?

I don’t know but my gut tells me that Apple knows this and they are waiting for the perfect time to shock and awe the world again. All those iTunes dollars are funding something big…

As soon as they sense Mr. Bill & Co. have closed some psychological coolness gap, Apple will do something amazing.  Or perhaps Apple’s time in the sun is over for a while.  We’ll see.

Update:  So just when I was willing to give Microsoft the benefit of the doubt, I see them up to their old stupidity again.  I discovered that these ads are online, at Microsoft’s own website.  So I wanted to watch them.  But then I got this message:

Picture 2There is no way I’m installing another plug-in on my browser just to watch videos.  Microsoft should know this is the kneejerk reaction of all Mac users – and most other web surfers.  The videos should have been in Flash or MPEG2 or even WMV.  Want to really impress those Mac guys?  Offer an HD Quicktime version.  But this is a marketing site who’s purpose is simply to spread the word.  And you have to make it easy for your customers to do this.  I’m spreading the word:  Microsoft still doesn’t get it. Call me Steve (Ballmer) if that’s not clear enough for you.  Oh yeah, and read my eBook!  It’s a PDF and it’s free.

Mac Fans Fight Back: Love the Mac Fanboy response to this ad: guy offers to give his 17″ MacBook for free!

One more: Did Microsoft FAKE Lauren’s entrance to the “Mac” Store?

5 thoughts on “Microsoft Fights Back”

  1. I too am anxious to see the ads. Not that I am much of MicroSoft user, but because I really enjoy a good advert no matter the product. I got a kick out of the Bill and Jerry ads and wished they would have stayed with that campaign, the ones that replaced them were ho hum.
    As to Apple’s “shock and awe,” well they play chess and seems everyone else plays checkers.

  2. I like the idea of the add, but as an avid Mac user I believe you pay for what you get. I don’t look at Macs as luxury items, just quality items. I do look at PCs as second rate, and so many different brands make you wonder which ones are high quality and which aren’t, since you can’t really look under the hood.
    That Silverlight is really annoying too. Seriously, it’s so simple to create videos that work in all browsers. Customers appreciate it when things are easy and simple. Make it complicated and aggravating and just watch everyone run in horror.

  3. In regards to installing Silverlight I don’t have a problem with that. It is their format and don’t we need Flash to see stuff on Adobe’s site? Question, what does Apple use on their site, QuickTime I would think.
    Anyway, I watched the ad at as I have yet to see it on TV. I noted that she went to the “Mac Store” instead of the Apple Store, the script probably read “MAC store.”
    I am not up on PCs as well as I am on Mac hardware. How does the notebook she bought compare to a even a 13 inch MacBook. Monitor resolution, hard drive read/write speed, wireless speed, and so on. Not to mention comparisons of installed software such as iLife.

  4. I don’t like the idea of installing an additional plug-in either. I’m wondering how many people decided to skip viewing the ad becuase of it.
    Gary Jensen | The Pickle Fork

  5. What about installing QT for viewing stuff in apple website?! With all due respect you are biased and your complain is not accepted…

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