The Resignation of Steve Jobs

In case you didn't hear, Steve announced his resignation of the CEO title today.  This marks the end of a dozen years of Apple's most exciting times – featuring exhilarating highs and culminating with Apple's explosive growth.  Steve's impact will be felt for another dozen years and hopefully he can rest knowing how far that he has taken Apple over this time.

Here's hoping that Steve's decision to stay Chairman and Apple employee is an indicator that he's ready to let someone else take hold of the wheel but that he will stay involved (and healthy) for years to come.

3 thoughts on “The Resignation of Steve Jobs”

  1. Stephen Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, wrote “Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success; leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall.” I believe Steve Jobs will continue to provide the vision and leadership that is his real value for as long as he is able, while the management team he put into place will continue to manage the company well.

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