4 thoughts on “I’m not saying anything”

  1. LOL, that’s about right– I haven’t watched the Simpsons much since the first few seasons, but happened to catch this live and watched the whole segment. That was a great laugh. I wonder how the big fanboys are taking it.

  2. “Sorry, currently our video library can only be streamed from within the United States”.
    Like Apple technology in general. Great, but not very open 🙂

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4 thoughts on “I’m not saying anything”

  1. LOL, that’s about right– I haven’t watched the Simpsons much since the first few seasons, but happened to catch this live and watched the whole segment. That was a great laugh. I wonder how the big fanboys are taking it.

  2. “Sorry, currently our video library can only be streamed from within the United States”.
    Like Apple technology in general. Great, but not very open 🙂

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