Apple Marketing Steve Jobs’ Health

Today Apple announced that Steve Jobs was taking another leave of absence to focus on his health.  Lots of folks are discussing this today – and I'm personally worried more than usual because of the uncanny timing of the announcement.

You see, today the markets are closed for Dr. Martin Luther King's Birthday and tomorrow Apple announces its Q1 2011 earnings.  The marketing wizards at Apple must know that Steve's health announcement would send the stock dipping but that the earnings news would bring it right back up. To announce today seems like an attempt to mitigate the full reaction in the share price.

Apple hasn't earned any good will in their transparency when sharing Steve's health conditions in the past and today's announcement won't help.  Never has there been one man so vital to the success of one company than Steve is to Apple – but that means the Company should go to extraordinary lengths to soothe investor's nerves. 

Time will tell if this was good timing or simply a needed break for Mr. Jobs.  But one thing is certain: we all wish that Steve gets better soon.

Screen shot 2011-01-17 at 1.18.14 PM

UPDATE: Gizmodo's blog nearly made me cry.  And I agree.  As someone who worked there for many years and as a person who can define his own life having a thread woven by Apple (my job, my home, and my family have all been touched deeply over the last 30 years by Apple) it is important to realize that Apple isn't just a company or a business.  It's an invention, an American success story and a love story all rolled into one. Finding someone who truly loves Apple as much as Steve (or me) will be hard to find.

4 thoughts on “Apple Marketing Steve Jobs’ Health”

  1. Apple definitely has been worried with deteriorating health of Steve’s health. It will be a big impact on the Apple industry to find that one of their great minds is on the verge of illness. In spite of all these, Apple will surely find more alternatives to this issue. I wish Steve to become better.:(

  2. OH my god! He looks like their slim ipod!! On a serious note, he definitely looks terribly sick, something’s been hidden from the media…
    Peace & Good Health be with you Steve..

  3. Wonder what Apple will be in store if Steve will not recover from his current health. Being the big man of that industry will definitely create a big impact not only to their market but to the whole client as well. Let’s just pray that he will recover someday.

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Apple Marketing Steve Jobs’ Health

Today Apple announced that Steve Jobs was taking another leave of absence to focus on his health.  Lots of folks are discussing this today – and I'm personally worried more than usual because of the uncanny timing of the announcement.

You see, today the markets are closed for Dr. Martin Luther King's Birthday and tomorrow Apple announces its Q1 2011 earnings.  The marketing wizards at Apple must know that Steve's health announcement would send the stock dipping but that the earnings news would bring it right back up. To announce today seems like an attempt to mitigate the full reaction in the share price.

Apple hasn't earned any good will in their transparency when sharing Steve's health conditions in the past and today's announcement won't help.  Never has there been one man so vital to the success of one company than Steve is to Apple – but that means the Company should go to extraordinary lengths to soothe investor's nerves. 

Time will tell if this was good timing or simply a needed break for Mr. Jobs.  But one thing is certain: we all wish that Steve gets better soon.

Screen shot 2011-01-17 at 1.18.14 PM

UPDATE: Gizmodo's blog nearly made me cry.  And I agree.  As someone who worked there for many years and as a person who can define his own life having a thread woven by Apple (my job, my home, and my family have all been touched deeply over the last 30 years by Apple) it is important to realize that Apple isn't just a company or a business.  It's an invention, an American success story and a love story all rolled into one. Finding someone who truly loves Apple as much as Steve (or me) will be hard to find.

4 thoughts on “Apple Marketing Steve Jobs’ Health”

  1. I wish him the best of luck in this. He has a tough road ahead.
    If there is anything positive here, it is this: You can bet your bottom dollar that
    Steve Jobs is doing the best he can to fight this thing and kill it.
    He is a tech savvy individual who has all the money in the world.
    I hope that, with his resources, he can find a cure for this.
    He is a visionary and a true genius. We need him to stick around
    and for a long time.
    And for those who have negative comments, you should be ashamed.
    Steve Jobs has shaken the computer industry and put some creativity
    and innovation back. And that’s what users wanted.
    And that man is now sick. So, let’s try to be civil and not barbarians.

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