Apple’s Successor

So I’ve been asked about 50 times since Steve took the stage at the Developer’s Conference – is Steve Jobs sick?  This has become a big deal – if he’s not well, who will carry the flame at Apple?  I think Steve is fine, BTW, and I asked this question before on my April fools blog post, and now Fortune Magazine has done a pretty good review of the possible insiders in line for such a post.  From a marketing standpoint, Apple knows it has impossible shoes to fill and silence on that front is the best response. 

I want to give credit to Steve for personally saving Apple in 1997 (by firing most of the Apple Board, focusing on better marketing, demanding people’s best efforts, and creating better products) Recognize though that those efforts (and others) have now built Apple into an incredibly healthy company that can weather a transition to a new CEO.   The now 11 year-old culture that Steve built is ready to thrive with or without him.  That said, I think the next CEO should share the same first name as Jobs and Wozniak and so I throw my hat in the ring.

UPDATE: June 26th.  Investor’s Business Daily had another take on the above story today.  I agree with them that a team is needed to replace Steve.  It’s rare to find someone who is visionary, a true leader and can execute.

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Apple’s Successor

So I’ve been asked about 50 times since Steve took the stage at the Developer’s Conference – is Steve Jobs sick?  This has become a big deal – if he’s not well, who will carry the flame at Apple?  I think Steve is fine, BTW, and I asked this question before on my April fools blog post, and now Fortune Magazine has done a pretty good review of the possible insiders in line for such a post.  From a marketing standpoint, Apple knows it has impossible shoes to fill and silence on that front is the best response. 

I want to give credit to Steve for personally saving Apple in 1997 (by firing most of the Apple Board, focusing on better marketing, demanding people’s best efforts, and creating better products) Recognize though that those efforts (and others) have now built Apple into an incredibly healthy company that can weather a transition to a new CEO.   The now 11 year-old culture that Steve built is ready to thrive with or without him.  That said, I think the next CEO should share the same first name as Jobs and Wozniak and so I throw my hat in the ring.

UPDATE: June 26th.  Investor’s Business Daily had another take on the above story today.  I agree with them that a team is needed to replace Steve.  It’s rare to find someone who is visionary, a true leader and can execute.

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