Be Sure.

If you are looking to make sure you and your family is safe, turn to the professionals. Your loved ones’ safety is everything so don’t sacrifice anything.

Safety and Security Stories:

Will AI Take My Job? A Personal Perspective

Witness the incredible evolution from programming in machine language to today’s AI revolution. What once required arranging ones and zeros now only needs a simple English prompt. This leap raises questions about the future of jobs as AI is even making waves in art and film, sparking both excitement and concern. AI is here to stay, enhancing our lives and freeing us to focus on higher-level creativity and human connection. As NVIDIA founder Jensen Huang puts it, “Everybody in the world is now a programmer. This is the miracle of artificial intelligence.”

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The Skytech Guide to the Ultimate Smart Vacation

Planning a summer getaway? Discover how smart home products can keep your home secure and well-maintained while you’re away. From smart locks and cameras to remote thermostat control and automated lighting, we’ve got you covered.

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Wires that Think: From Calculators to AI

As a child, I dreamed of being an astronaut, inspired by space exploration and my early fascination with technology, ignited by my dad bringing home an HP-35 calculator from RCA. This journey led me to embrace AI as a transformative tool, amplifying our capabilities and opening new possibilities.

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AI is My Partner, Not My Replacement

As a seasoned security professional, I’ve witnessed incredible technology evolution in our field. Now, the buzz is all about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its potential impact.

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Live Safe. Be Sure.

They think differently at For more than 20 years, they’ve been pioneering smarter solutions that deliver total protection for millions of homes, businesses, and families – including their own (and mine!) 


What Customers Say

Does everything I want - security, home automation, etc. One alarm (false so far) and the response has been very quick AND professional. Cost is only slightly higher than lesser systems and the service and upgrades have been very good.
Jim Green
After an attempted break in, we were left feeling uneasy in our home. A friend recommended as their app is very user friendly. It’s been a year and I’m so happy with this service. We feel much safer knowing we can access our system and be alerted anytime.
Becca Jones
I installed in my new home and it is very good. Reasonable installation and monthly fee is fair. I had used another security company in my other home and paid four times the monthly fee. Would recommend them highly!
Jamie Carter
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