iPad is changing the face of TV

Time-warner-cable-app-ipad I know there has been some hoopla around the eventuality of AirPlay coming to a television set near you.  But not much has been made of the fact that the iPad is already changing the face of television today.  The ABC iPad app is amazing (where are Fox and NBC?), Netflix has grown dramatically since the iPad was launched (no coincidence there) and now the networks are upset with Time Warner's new live streaming app (which was the top free app in the AppStore for 3 days in a row this week) because it changes the rules that broadcasters have had to live under since the advent of television.

Today's announcement by the NCAA was stunning (yet somehow hidden in the numbers): 8 million people viewed the tournaments on 4 different cable networks…but 27 million viewed it online and via iPad and iPhone apps.  I did some other homework on video streaming recently.  More than twice the number of people watched Obama's inauguration online than on all the television networks combined.  Social, mobile devices like the iPad are rewriting the rules of television and all advertisers, marketers, developers and consumers need to be ready.

Mark my words: within a few years all your media will stream to you on your mobile device and Apple will lead this revolution.  What do you think that huge Apple datacenter (reportedly bigger than Amazon's or Google's) in North Carolina for?

Now my only question: Charter where is your iPad app??



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