Generative AI Wrote this Post

bionic hand and human hand finger pointing

Well, not all of it. Since people keep asking me about AI, Generative AI, Generational AI, Artificial Intelligence and, as someone who feels a need (obligation?) to stay on the leading edge of technology, I’ve experimented with many AI tools to see exactly what they can, and can’t do.

Someone recently ask me how I produce my short YouTube videos that are hosted on our Skytech Smarthome YouTube Channel. I started to write up all the steps I take to make and promote a video, but decided to ask ChatGPT to summarize those steps for me to see how “good” its answer was.

The Prompt

Many people are learning that AI is only as good as the request, or “prompt” you ask with. There are real jobs posted for “Prompt Engineers” that pay extremely well, in order to optimize the investments and benefits of AI development. With tools like OpenAI’s ChatGPT however, you are encouraged to have a chat-like exchange with the AI in order to improve the results. Here is a real world example, one you can try yourself:

Prompt 1 “Summarize the steps to produce a video for YouTube”

So I asked the exact question above, and here was ChatGPT’s answer, as formatted:

Producing a video for YouTube involves several steps to ensure a successful upload and engagement with your audience. Here’s a summarized list of the key steps:

  1. Concept and Planning:
    • Define your video’s purpose and target audience.
    • Develop a compelling video idea or concept.
    • Create a script or outline to organize your content.
  2. Pre-Production:
    • Gather necessary equipment (camera, microphone, lighting, etc.).
    • Choose a suitable location for filming.
    • Assemble any props or materials you’ll need.
    • Plan your video’s structure and shot list.
  3. Filming:
    • Set up your equipment and ensure good lighting and audio.
    • Record your video content according to your script or outline.
    • Consider multiple takes for better quality.
  4. Editing:
    • Transfer your recorded footage to a computer.
    • Edit the video using video editing software.
    • Add music, graphics, and other elements as needed.
    • Cut out any mistakes or unnecessary content.
  5. Optimizing:
    • Choose a compelling title and description for your video.
    • Select relevant tags and keywords.
    • Design an eye-catching thumbnail image.
    • Set up end screens and cards for engagement.
  6. Uploading:
    • Log in to your YouTube channel.
    • Click the “Upload” button and select your video file.
    • Add your video’s title, description, and tags.
    • Choose privacy settings (public, unlisted, or private).
  7. Promotion and SEO:
    • Share your video on social media and other platforms.
    • Respond to comments and engage with your audience.
    • Monitor video analytics and adjust your strategy.
  8. Monetization (optional):
    • If eligible, enable monetization to earn money from ads.
    • Explore other monetization options, like merchandise or sponsorships.
  9. Consistency and Engagement:
    • Keep a regular upload schedule to build your audience.
    • Interact with your viewers through comments and community posts.
  10. Analytics and Improvement:
    • Analyze your video’s performance using YouTube Analytics.
    • Use data to refine your content and strategy for future videos.

Remember that the success of your YouTube channel depends on the quality of your content, engagement with your audience, and dedication to improving over time.

OK, so complete but not really what I was looking for. See I wanted the actual steps to take a video I already created, then post to YouTube. So let’s try a different prompt.

Prompt 2: I ask “OK, so complete but not what I was looking for. See I wanted the actual steps to take a video I already created, then post to YouTube.”

And ChatGPT replies:

Chat GPT logo

Certainly, if you already have a video ready and you want to post it on YouTube, here are the steps to upload it:

  1. Log in to Your YouTube Account:
    • Open your web browser and go to YouTube.
    • Sign in to your YouTube account using your Google credentials.
  2. Access the YouTube Studio:
    • Click on your profile picture or icon in the upper right corner.
    • Select “YouTube Studio” from the dropdown menu.
  3. Upload Your Video:
    • In the YouTube Studio, click on the “Videos” tab on the left sidebar.
    • Then, click the “Create” button at the top of the page and select “Upload Video.”
  4. Select Your Video File:
    • Click the “Select files to upload” button.
    • Browse your computer to find the video file you want to upload and select it.
  5. Video Details:
    • Fill in the required video details:
      • Title: Give your video an engaging and descriptive title.
      • Description: Write a brief description of your video.
      • Tags: Add relevant keywords to help viewers find your video.
      • Privacy: Choose whether your video is public, unlisted, or private.
  6. Thumbnail:
    • You can either choose an automatically generated thumbnail or upload a custom one.
    • A custom thumbnail can be more appealing and representative of your video.
  7. Video Elements:
    • You can add end screens and cards to your video for viewer engagement. These are optional but can be useful for promoting other videos or channels.
  8. Visibility and Scheduling (Optional):
    • If you want your video to go live immediately, leave it set to “Publish.”
    • You can also schedule a specific date and time for your video to be published if you prefer.
  9. Advanced Settings (Optional):
    • Configure additional settings like category, language, captions, and more as needed.
  10. Monetization (Optional):
    • If you are eligible for monetization, you can set your video’s ad preferences in this section.
  11. Video Elements (Optional):
    • You can add end screens and cards to your video for viewer engagement. These are optional but can be useful for promoting other videos or channels.
  12. Copyright (Optional):
    • If your video includes copyrighted material, you may need to acknowledge it here.
  13. Save and Publish:
    • Once you’ve filled in all the necessary details, click the “Save” or “Publish” button (the wording may vary depending on whether you’re publishing immediately or scheduling).

Your video will then be processed and uploaded to YouTube. Once the process is complete, your video will be available for your audience to watch. You can share the video link, add it to playlists, and engage with your viewers through comments and other features.

OK, that’s much better! But let’s take it one step further.

Prompt 3: “That’s much better, now can you elaborate what I need to do to get the most views of this video?”

ChatGPT: Certainly! Getting the most views on your YouTube video involves several strategies and best practices to maximize visibility and engagement. Here’s a more detailed guide:

  1. Keyword Research:
    • Before posting your video, research relevant keywords using tools like Google Keyword Planner, YouTube’s search bar, or third-party tools like Ahrefs or TubeBuddy. Use these keywords in your video title, description, and tags.
  2. Engaging Title and Thumbnail:
    • Create an attention-grabbing title that accurately represents your video content.
    • Design a custom thumbnail that is visually appealing, relevant, and encourages clicks.
  3. High-Quality Content:
    • Ensure your video is of high quality, both in terms of production and content.
    • Keep your video engaging and concise, as viewer retention is a crucial factor in YouTube’s algorithm.
  4. Optimize Video Description:
    • Write a detailed video description that includes your target keywords and provides context for your video.
    • Add timestamps for key sections of your video to make it more user-friendly.
  5. Engage Your Audience:
    • Encourage viewers to like, comment, share, and subscribe to your channel within your video.
    • Respond to comments and engage with your audience to build a community.
  6. Promote on Social Media:
    • Share your video on your social media profiles, relevant groups, and forums to increase initial views.
    • Consider using paid advertising on platforms like Facebook or Instagram to promote your video.
  7. Collaborations and Shoutouts:
    • Collaborate with other YouTubers or influencers in your niche for cross-promotion.
    • Mention or collaborate with influencers who can give your video a shoutout.
  8. Consistent Upload Schedule:
    • Maintain a consistent schedule for uploading videos to keep your audience engaged and coming back for more.
  9. Playlists and End Screens:
    • Add your video to relevant playlists to increase discoverability.
    • Use end screens and cards to promote other videos or content within your channel.
  10. Use YouTube Analytics:
    • Regularly check YouTube Analytics to understand viewer behavior and demographics.
    • Use this data to tailor your content and posting schedule.
  11. Video SEO:
    • Use closed captions (CC) or subtitles for better accessibility and improved search ranking.
    • Add relevant, clickable hashtags in your video description to increase discoverability.
  12. Engage with Trends:
    • Create content that’s relevant to current trends and events in your niche, which can lead to more views.
  13. Ask for Shares and Subscriptions:
    • Politely ask viewers to share your video with their friends and subscribe to your channel if they enjoy your content.
  14. Avoid Clickbait:
    • While it’s important to create compelling titles and thumbnails, avoid misleading clickbait tactics that could hurt your channel’s reputation.
  15. Monitor and Adapt:
    • Keep an eye on video performance and adapt your strategy based on the data. If a particular type of content gets more views, consider creating similar content.

Remember that gaining views on YouTube takes time and consistency. Don’t be discouraged if your video doesn’t immediately go viral. Focus on providing value to your audience, optimizing your content, and engaging with your viewers to build a loyal following over time.

Prompt 4: “OK, that’s a lot to think about. Can you give me the top 2 things I should do, using YouTube alone, to get the most views?”

Certainly, if you want to focus on using YouTube itself to get the most views, the top two strategies are:

  1. Keyword Optimization:
    • Prioritize thorough keyword research to identify the most relevant and high-traffic keywords in your niche.
    • Use these keywords in your video title, description, and tags to increase the chances of your video appearing in search results and related videos.
    • Crafting a compelling title with these keywords is crucial for attracting clicks and views.
  2. Engage Your Audience and Encourage Interaction:
    • Create content that keeps viewers engaged from start to finish. High viewer retention is a strong signal to YouTube’s algorithm.
    • Ask for likes, comments, shares, and subscriptions within your video, as viewer interaction can boost your video’s visibility.
    • Respond to comments and engage with your audience to build a sense of community and loyalty.

These two strategies, when implemented effectively, can significantly increase the visibility and views of your YouTube videos within the platform itself.

So you get the idea. From now on, I’ll start implementing those suggestions. To that end, if you’ve read this far, please subscribe to our YouTube channel by clicking this link.

For extra credit, I decided to see what AI tools exist right inside the same tool I’m using to craft this website (an AWS hosted WordPress plugin called Elementor) that has a new AI creation tool. It looks like this:

So I asked it the exact same question as in Prompt 4, and got this answer

“To maximize the number of views on your YouTube video using YouTube alone, there are two key strategies to focus on. First, prioritize keyword optimization by conducting thorough research to identify relevant and high-traffic keywords in your niche. Incorporate these keywords into your video title, description, and tags to enhance visibility in search results and related videos. Crafting a compelling title with these keywords is crucial for attracting clicks and views. Second, engage your audience and encourage interaction by creating captivating content that keeps viewers engaged from start to finish. Request likes, comments, shares, and subscriptions within your video to boost visibility. Additionally, respond to comments and actively engage with your audience to foster a sense of community and loyalty. Implementing these strategies effectively can significantly increase the visibility and views of your YouTube videos within the platform itself.”

OK, so similar, and one less website to visit as these tools get embedded in the apps we’re already using. And Microsoft has launched a very impressive AI assistant inside Windows 11 called CoPilot which goes live next month.

Finally, I wanted to see how far AI has come in a short while. I created the following video using a video editing tool called Final Cut Pro where I did all the editing and titling. Yet all of the footage was captured automatically by’s video cameras which utilize AI to understand when it sees an animal. My final touch was to ask Sir David Attenborough to narrate the video using a tool from ElevenLabs. Pretty amazing stuff this AI, and we’re only really getting started.

BTW, I copy and pasted this entire article into ChatGPT with the prompt, “Summarize this blog post in two sentences for an abstract” and it gave me this answer: (which I used verbatim in the summarize field for this post)

The blog post discusses the author’s experience with AI tools and their experimentation with creating YouTube videos. The post covers topics like AI prompts, steps to upload a video to YouTube, and strategies for getting more views on YouTube. It also mentions the integration of AI tools in website creation and highlights Microsoft’s AI assistant, CoPilot in Windows 11, and the use of AI in video creation.

Finally, I asked ChatGPT to do two more things:

“Give me the most click worthy Twitter post that I can use to link to this blog post”. It’s answer was:

“Unlock the Power of AI in Video Creation & YouTube Success! 🚀 Discover the steps to upload videos, get more views, and AI integration for amazing content. 🎥🤖 Don’t miss out on the AI revolution! Read the full story here: [Insert Blog Post Link] #AI #YouTube #VideoCreation”

Then I said “Give me the best Facebook and LinkedIn posts that will generate the most attention”

Certainly, here are Facebook and LinkedIn posts to generate attention for your blog post:

“🚀 Dive into the World of AI and YouTube Success! 🎥✨
Have you ever wondered how to make your YouTube videos stand out? Explore the fascinating world of AI tools for video creation, optimization, and getting more views. From prompts to promotion, this blog post covers it all. Don’t miss out on the AI revolution! Read more here: [Insert Blog Post Link] #AI #YouTube #VideoCreation”

“🚀 Discover the Impact of AI on YouTube Success! 🎬💡
In today’s digital age, AI plays a pivotal role in video content creation and boosting YouTube visibility. Learn about the steps to upload your videos effectively, optimize for views, and the integration of AI in content creation. Stay ahead of the curve with AI innovation. Read the full article here: [Insert Blog Post Link] #AI #YouTube #VideoMarketing”

Quick question: did it work? Did these posts cause you to come read this article? Please let me know in the comments!

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