What does ChatGPT think about Home Security options?

house lights turned on

Seemingly ChatGPT is taking over the Internet right now. What is ChatGPT? Well, think of it as an Artificial Intelligence (AI) programmed by OpenAI to respond in a similar manner as a human over a chat thread. Simply ask ChatGPT a question, and get an answer. For instance, I asked ChatGPT this question:

Me: Why is the sky blue?

ChatGPTThe sky appears blue to our eyes because blue light from the sun is scattered in all directions by the gases and particles in the Earth’s atmosphere. When sunlight reaches the Earth’s atmosphere, it is made up of many different colors, including red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. These colors are known as the visible spectrum of light.

When sunlight passes through the Earth’s atmosphere, the gases and particles in the air scatter the light in all directions. This scattering process is called Rayleigh scattering, and it is more pronounced for short wavelengths of light, such as blue and violet. This means that when sunlight reaches our eyes, more blue light is scattered in all directions, giving the sky a blue appearance.

The intensity of the blue color in the sky can vary depending on a number of factors, such as the time of day, the weather, and the amount of pollution and other particles in the air. On a clear day, the sky appears bright blue because there are fewer particles in the air to scatter the sunlight. On a cloudy day, the sky may appear more gray or white because the clouds scatter the sunlight in different directions.

What about longer form content?

I was about to author my own blog post contrasting the pros and cons of Professional and DIY home security options, so decided to give ChatGPT a shot first. I gave it this prompt:

Write a blog post describing the benefits of professionally installed home security vs DIYThis was ChatGPT’s response:

“Home security is an important consideration for any homeowner, as it can provide peace of mind and protect against potential threats such as burglaries, fires, and other emergencies. When it comes to home security, homeowners have the option to either install the system themselves or hire a professional to do the job.

There are several benefits to having a professionally installed home security system. First and foremost, professional installation ensures that the system is installed correctly and is fully functional. A professional installer will have the experience and expertise to properly position sensors, install cameras, and configure the system to provide maximum protection for your home.

In addition, professionally installed home security systems are typically more reliable and durable than DIY systems. Professional installations are designed to withstand tampering and other forms of damage, which means they are less likely to fail or malfunction. This can provide greater peace of mind, as you know that your home is protected by a system that is built to last.

Another benefit of professionally installed home security systems is that they often come with 24/7 monitoring and support. This means that if the system detects an intruder or other emergency, it can alert the authorities or a monitoring center, who can dispatch help to your home. With a DIY system, you would be responsible for monitoring the system yourself and taking appropriate action in the event of an emergency.

Lastly, professionally installed home security systems often come with additional features and benefits that are not available with DIY systems. For example, some professional installations include remote access and control, which allows you to monitor and control your system from anywhere using a smartphone or other device. Professional installations may also include warranties and other protections that can provide added peace of mind and value.

In conclusion, while DIY home security systems can be a cost-effective option, professionally installed systems provide a number of benefits that can provide greater protection and peace of mind for homeowners. From reliable and durable installations to 24/7 monitoring and support, professionally installed home security systems offer a level of protection and convenience that is hard to match with a DIY system.”

Did I lead the witness?

That’s pretty good!  I would have added a few things about how professionally installed systems have battery backup, work even when the phone or Internet is down, and are much better at putting homeowner’s minds at ease, but then again I live these differences every day at Alarm.com.  Inspired by ChatGPT’s answer, I decided to flip the way I asked the question, putting DIY first and used this prompt:

Write a blog post describing the benefits of DIY home security vs professionally installed home security: ChatGPT responded with this answer:

“When it comes to home security, homeowners have the option to either install the system themselves or hire a professional to do the job. While professionally installed home security systems are often the first choice for many homeowners, there are also several benefits to choosing a DIY system.

One of the biggest benefits of DIY home security is cost. DIY systems are typically much more affordable than professionally installed systems, especially if you are willing to put in the time and effort to install the system yourself. This can be a great option for homeowners who are on a tight budget or who want to save money on home security.

Another benefit of DIY home security systems is flexibility. With a professionally installed system, you are limited to the features and components that are included in the installation package. With a DIY system, you can choose the exact components and features that you want, which can give you greater control over the security of your home.

In addition, DIY home security systems are often easier to upgrade and expand. If you want to add more sensors, cameras, or other components to your system, you can easily do so with a DIY system. With a professionally installed system, you may need to hire a professional to make these additions, which can be more time-consuming and expensive.

Lastly, DIY home security systems offer greater personal satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment. When you install a home security system yourself, you can take pride in the fact that you have taken an active role in protecting your home and your family. This can be a rewarding experience and can provide a greater sense of control over your home security.

In conclusion, while professionally installed home security systems are a popular choice for many homeowners, DIY systems also offer a number of benefits. From cost savings to flexibility and personal satisfaction, DIY home security systems can be a great option for homeowners who want to take an active role in protecting their homes.”

Is this the future of content?

While very convincing yet not complete, neither answer is incorrect.  All in all, ChatGPT is only as good as the training set used to “teach” the system. Credit goes to OpenAI for the quality of responses it produces, which feels somewhere between a knowledgable person and Wikipedia.  I’ll keep watching this space for all of us, and resist the temptation to ask ChatGPT “Are humans obsolete?”

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