Apple Marketing and the Education Opportunity

Apple-education-announcementUPDATE: Video Link to iBooks Textbooks overview

When I worked for Steve to reconstitute the Apple University Consortium in 1997, it was clear then how passionate Steve was for the education market.  Not only did he believe (then) that technology could change the way students learn – but he also believed that the Education market could be an important foothold for Apple's business over time.  Get students excited about the Mac in college and they become lifelong purchasers and evangelists.

Yet Steve learned an important lesson over time (and his experience trying to sell NeXT exclusively at Higher Education cemented this belief): that technology alone could not change the way students learn.  Students – and teachers – needed more than just access to technology to change the world of education.

Apple has quietly been working with publishers and textbook providers to help them see this vision: while Kindle has helped some well-off consumers experience a better way to consume their New York Times Bestseller's fix, it has done nothing to help reduce the burden on average cash-strapped student wallet or back(pack).  Apple aims to change this.

While not for everyone, Apple's new iBooks Textbook platform will apply Apple's ease of use to a traditionally murky process: publishing ebooks or textbooks. Naturally Apple's solution will make it simple to publish directly to the iBookstore and is aimed squarely at students' iPads.  This becomes something of a virtuous cycle: faculty can easily publish custom books for their classes and require their students to use that book…which requires them to purchase an iPad. 

The economic are simple: just a few textbooks can cost a student more than an iPad and are likely to never be used again.  And the missing element is finally provided: interactive content that compels students to learn anywhere and everywhere.  Apple hopes this revitalizes the textbook industry with the iPad at its center – just as it put the iPod at the center of the rebirth of digital music.  Companies like Kno will give up building their own dual-screen tablet and instead focused on building great software with the iPad as their delivery tool.

If fact, this revolution already begun.

Kno-tablet  becameKno_Feature_iPad


20 thoughts on “Apple Marketing and the Education Opportunity”

  1. This is abit of an odd question, but does anyone know if Apple sell any health products… It’s just that my hairs really greasy, and i love my Apple iPad, so i thought ‘what if…’ Lastly, if anyones got any Lord Of The Rings figurines, i’d be very grateful if you could send them to me (just reply and i will send an email). Thanks! – John

  2. Zoe 'Pine' Henchcliffe

    This is a great website, Thank you for the information!!! JesusIsPro… @John_Jarman, that isnt to do with the subject in discussion, so look at the title before you make unting pine duck comments. Any more and i will have to come and slap you in the face you cheeky bee!

  3. Nathan_Robertzz

    add me on Facebook 😉 😉 😛 im the one with the picture of me on a segway looking like a dribbly :L xx

  4. Nathan_Robertzz

    Oi oi, fat steve will batter you like a battered sausage! Dont mess with the wmc and you’ll lose… Fat Steve is so fat, when he runs, the flab hits him in the face!!!

  5. Alex 'DownhillMtb' Phillips

    Add me on xbox. My names: ‘LaVaMoNkEy HD’ To all the girls.. i might be a pro at hard scoping on mw2, but theres more to me that gets hard alot, if you get me, eh eh? 😉

  6. Ben 'Evziee LADbanter' Evett

    I love Lad pine banter!! Dicksy banter iz the best! My voice is so high, i sound like an unt

  7. I love banter! I mean, i love all the lads as i dont want to be a bumder. Jack Beal in a fight? bring it on m88

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