The Power of App(arel) Marketing

Rolling garment rack 7
I got a good mention in this week's New York Times in a story about how the clothes an executive wears often says a good deal about him or her.  After all, if we're so impressed by great Apple marketing (which often starts with the packaging or the store or the website), isn't what someone wears the first thing people see?  So isn't this where people who are marketing themselves should start?

Is Steve Jobs' turtleneck and jeans a causal outfit, a uniform or does it say something more about him?  I remember reading how Albert Einstein kept identical copies of the one suit he owned so he wouldn't waste a moment of time wondering what to wear any day – ostensibly so he could focus on more meaningful questions. All that brainpower and yet he didn't want to fret about something so insignificant as the clothes he wore.  Perhaps Steve thinks the same way…

I'm curious, what does your CEO wear to work?  Does she dress for success or dress down to imply that he is one of you?  Would love to get your input in this blog's comment section.


2 thoughts on “The Power of App(arel) Marketing”

  1. My boss dresses down to “show he’s one of us.” I’ve been experimenting a little lately — Our office is notoriously casual and I’ve been dressing for business for about a month now, for the very reasons you state in this article — Packaging. Brand (self) positioning. Results of my experiment are still pending…

  2. my ceo, Dresses casual, but very professional. He is a creative, entrepreneur type of person, so his clothes probably speak to that creative, marketing focused, down to earth side of him.

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