Sometimes you get noticed

Been traveling a lot (just returned from India!) and haven't been able to check out the Internets.  Found this story about me and how Dimdim is much like Apple and thought I'd pass it along.  BTW, we are out to change the world for the better.  In the future your ability to show someone your computer screen while chatting with them live using VoIP and video will be as commonplace – and as expected – as your email address or mobile number.  I truly believe that real time, rich media collaboration the likes of Dimdim will make the world a better place.

Why Dimdim?  I believe that the future is simply the practical application of common sense.  This makes sense.  Someone once said, "the best way to predict the future is to invent it."  We're literally in the process of inventing the future right now.  Come try it out for free, (no plug-in required to try!) and stay around for some stunning new features that will curl your toes real soon now…

1 thought on “Sometimes you get noticed”

  1. Wow, I’m really shocked I came across this. I had recently played around with some different conferencing software. The one I liked was openmeetings. I utilized it on Windows and Linux. And then my brother showed me dimdim and I was really blown away. Can’t wait to see what you all do next.

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Sometimes you get noticed

Been traveling a lot (just returned from India!) and haven't been able to check out the Internets.  Found this story about me and how Dimdim is much like Apple and thought I'd pass it along.  BTW, we are out to change the world for the better.  In the future your ability to show someone your computer screen while chatting with them live using VoIP and video will be as commonplace – and as expected – as your email address or mobile number.  I truly believe that real time, rich media collaboration the likes of Dimdim will make the world a better place.

Why Dimdim?  I believe that the future is simply the practical application of common sense.  This makes sense.  Someone once said, "the best way to predict the future is to invent it."  We're literally in the process of inventing the future right now.  Come try it out for free, (no plug-in required to try!) and stay around for some stunning new features that will curl your toes real soon now…

1 thought on “Sometimes you get noticed”

  1. Wow, I’m really shocked I came across this. I had recently played around with some different conferencing software. The one I liked was openmeetings. I utilized it on Windows and Linux. And then my brother showed me dimdim and I was really blown away. Can’t wait to see what you all do next.

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