Marketing to kids

Marketing to kids
This is a poster in my sons’ othodontist office. If the kids do a good job taking care of their teeth, recommending others to the practice or wearing their custom t-shirt to appointments they earn “Spike bucks” that they can trade for things including, now, iTunes gift cards. I think this is a brilliant marketing idea and an indication of how iTunes has become a new “currency” to children. How many parents out there have “paid” their kids allowance in iTunes gift cards? (I can’t be the only one, can I?)

Now if only I can get them to stop buying the exact same songs as each other so their “money” can stretch a little farther.

3 thoughts on “Marketing to kids”

  1. Jean-Christophe

    I’m from France, and I discoverd your website two or three days ago. First of all, I really like what you do about Apple. Of course, I like this brand and how it communicate its products…
    I study communication and marketing in France and observe Apple’s communication.
    It’s pretty amazing how they do, and how Steve Jobs run his plans.
    For this article, I have never seen it in France for the moment. The brand is not on all support (othodontist office) like US. But it changes, PC get down little by little because of the problem with Vista and more and more…
    Thanks to your blog. You do a good job to explain Apple’s way.
    Have a nice day and take care, bye
    Jean-Christophe Varin

  2. It kind of reminds me of the scene in Blazing Saddles where Mel Brooks, as the Governor, is handing bolo bats to his staff in “lieu of pay.”
    Anyway, l I don’t have children of child age, but had their been iPods around my son was a youngster I probably would have done something like this.
    The family gives me iPod gift cards for my birthday and such because “You are so hard to shop for.”
    Sidebar: Steve are you going to to a story on the Psystar MacClone controversy?

  3. I think this is a great idea for nort just children but presents for aployees, organisations, and more, who done a great work for example.
    The Itunes gifts doesen’t nees to be expencive so it’s a great gift to someone you don’t know specially good. I gives the reciver of the iTunes gift a good impression of you..

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Marketing to kids

Marketing to kids
This is a poster in my sons’ othodontist office. If the kids do a good job taking care of their teeth, recommending others to the practice or wearing their custom t-shirt to appointments they earn “Spike bucks” that they can trade for things including, now, iTunes gift cards. I think this is a brilliant marketing idea and an indication of how iTunes has become a new “currency” to children. How many parents out there have “paid” their kids allowance in iTunes gift cards? (I can’t be the only one, can I?)

Now if only I can get them to stop buying the exact same songs as each other so their “money” can stretch a little farther.

3 thoughts on “Marketing to kids”

  1. Jean-Christophe

    I’m from France, and I discoverd your website two or three days ago. First of all, I really like what you do about Apple. Of course, I like this brand and how it communicate its products…
    I study communication and marketing in France and observe Apple’s communication.
    It’s pretty amazing how they do, and how Steve Jobs run his plans.
    For this article, I have never seen it in France for the moment. The brand is not on all support (othodontist office) like US. But it changes, PC get down little by little because of the problem with Vista and more and more…
    Thanks to your blog. You do a good job to explain Apple’s way.
    Have a nice day and take care, bye
    Jean-Christophe Varin

  2. It kind of reminds me of the scene in Blazing Saddles where Mel Brooks, as the Governor, is handing bolo bats to his staff in “lieu of pay.”
    Anyway, l I don’t have children of child age, but had their been iPods around my son was a youngster I probably would have done something like this.
    The family gives me iPod gift cards for my birthday and such because “You are so hard to shop for.”
    Sidebar: Steve are you going to to a story on the Psystar MacClone controversy?

  3. I think this is a great idea for nort just children but presents for aployees, organisations, and more, who done a great work for example.
    The Itunes gifts doesen’t nees to be expencive so it’s a great gift to someone you don’t know specially good. I gives the reciver of the iTunes gift a good impression of you..

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