Apple, the Baltics, and Air.

I’m headed to Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania this week to share Apple’s marketing strategy.  Come see me if you can.

In the meantime I know I owe everyone an answer to what I believe is the real goal of the MacBook Air.  Unfortunately I haven’t had time to circle back with all my sources yet but I’ll leave you with a hint:

What do you get when you cross a 100% internet communication device (like an iPhone) with a laptop that has limited network connectivity (like a MacBook Air)?

If you can answer that question you’ll have a good idea what the next Air product will accomplish.

More when I’m back from my travels (or if I get good internet access on my MBP.)

I’m back. Thanks to all in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia that I met on my travels – the people were great and a pleasure to meet. Here is a picture from my presentation in Tartu, Estonia:Img_0246

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