New MacBooks Arriving (photo)

New MacBooks Arriving (photo)
Hi gang,

In Palo Alto today and witnessed the unloading of the new MacBooks.
Hard to tell by this picture but there were well more than 100
computers delivered to this fairly small store. On checking with the
staff it was hard for them to keep MacBook Air in stock and it remains
to be seen if today’s modest MacBook update will keep Apple’s portable
growth going. Were you a bit disappointed that Apple did not make more
form-factor improvements?

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New MacBooks Arriving (photo)

New MacBooks Arriving (photo)
Hi gang,

In Palo Alto today and witnessed the unloading of the new MacBooks.
Hard to tell by this picture but there were well more than 100
computers delivered to this fairly small store. On checking with the
staff it was hard for them to keep MacBook Air in stock and it remains
to be seen if today’s modest MacBook update will keep Apple’s portable
growth going. Were you a bit disappointed that Apple did not make more
form-factor improvements?

1 thought on “New MacBooks Arriving (photo)”

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