A Black Eye for Apple

On first blush, this blog post looks like bad PR for our Cupertino friends.  But in case you missed this story, TV personality Charlie Rose ended up with a real black eye while saving his new MacBook Air instead of protecting his body.  Now that’s great PR!

I only have one thing to say.  I don’t think we’ll ever see a story about someone saving their Dell.

5 thoughts on “A Black Eye for Apple”

  1. I wouldn’t *have* to save my Dell. It would be safe and secure inside my laptop bag.
    And if something did happen to it, I could replace it for 1/2 the price of an Air.

  2. Good thing that he protected the pavement. Otherwise the very rugged MacBook Air would have cracked the concrete and the city send him a bill for repair. Besides you want to carry a MacBook Air in your hand when walking in the city, you can use it as a bullet shield if a gun fight breaks out. On the other hand Dells are so chintzy that they need to be protected in a bag.

  3. Most likely his desire was to save information that is stored in the air. Of course you never see person who will try to protect laptop, like Charlie Rose protected MacBook, that is bad for Dell supporters and fans.

  4. That’s because I have 3 dells that are faster, cheaper and more fun than the macbook air and they’re data synced so what me worry?
    Oh did I mention that they also play DVDs and my air card keeps me connected to the net 24/7. Try that with a MBA. 🙂

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A Black Eye for Apple

On first blush, this blog post looks like bad PR for our Cupertino friends.  But in case you missed this story, TV personality Charlie Rose ended up with a real black eye while saving his new MacBook Air instead of protecting his body.  Now that’s great PR!

I only have one thing to say.  I don’t think we’ll ever see a story about someone saving their Dell.

5 thoughts on “A Black Eye for Apple”

  1. I wouldn’t *have* to save my Dell. It would be safe and secure inside my laptop bag.
    And if something did happen to it, I could replace it for 1/2 the price of an Air.

  2. Good thing that he protected the pavement. Otherwise the very rugged MacBook Air would have cracked the concrete and the city send him a bill for repair. Besides you want to carry a MacBook Air in your hand when walking in the city, you can use it as a bullet shield if a gun fight breaks out. On the other hand Dells are so chintzy that they need to be protected in a bag.

  3. Most likely his desire was to save information that is stored in the air. Of course you never see person who will try to protect laptop, like Charlie Rose protected MacBook, that is bad for Dell supporters and fans.

  4. That’s because I have 3 dells that are faster, cheaper and more fun than the macbook air and they’re data synced so what me worry?
    Oh did I mention that they also play DVDs and my air card keeps me connected to the net 24/7. Try that with a MBA. 🙂

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