Happy Thanksgiving!


Thanks for making my first 3 months as a blogger a real joy! I appreciate all the emails and comments you make and I read and respond to every one I receive.

You’ve really demonstrated the power of the social web: like-minded people connected by a common idea can really change the world. I happen to know for a fact that your passion and your voice is heard by people who care about your issues. Over the last few months you have been instrumental in changing Apple’s mind concerning native apps on the iPhone and in helping make the iPhone $100 rebate a reality. We have a lot to be thankful for and it’s good to know that Apple is listening to our tiny corner of cyberspace.

Enjoy the day with your family and friends. Those of you who do not celebrate this holiday please take some time for yourself today. Tell them Steve said so.

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Happy Thanksgiving!


Thanks for making my first 3 months as a blogger a real joy! I appreciate all the emails and comments you make and I read and respond to every one I receive.

You’ve really demonstrated the power of the social web: like-minded people connected by a common idea can really change the world. I happen to know for a fact that your passion and your voice is heard by people who care about your issues. Over the last few months you have been instrumental in changing Apple’s mind concerning native apps on the iPhone and in helping make the iPhone $100 rebate a reality. We have a lot to be thankful for and it’s good to know that Apple is listening to our tiny corner of cyberspace.

Enjoy the day with your family and friends. Those of you who do not celebrate this holiday please take some time for yourself today. Tell them Steve said so.

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