Master Showman

This ABC video is hyping the hype around Apple’s Special Event for tomorrow.  It underscores how good products like the iPod require good marketing that has always been the hallmark of a Steve Jobs event.  To call Steve Jobs a master showman is to recognize that showmanship (aka packaging) is an extremely important part of any product launch and one of the most overlooked areas that technology companies large and small seem to forget time and again.  I’ll ask this oft-asked question for the last time in the context of this blog post.  Did you ever think you’d pay nearly $5 for a cup of coffee?  And yet many of us do – and it’s all about the packaging.

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Master Showman

This ABC video is hyping the hype around Apple’s Special Event for tomorrow.  It underscores how good products like the iPod require good marketing that has always been the hallmark of a Steve Jobs event.  To call Steve Jobs a master showman is to recognize that showmanship (aka packaging) is an extremely important part of any product launch and one of the most overlooked areas that technology companies large and small seem to forget time and again.  I’ll ask this oft-asked question for the last time in the context of this blog post.  Did you ever think you’d pay nearly $5 for a cup of coffee?  And yet many of us do – and it’s all about the packaging.

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