Almost ready

My eBook, entitled "Marketing Apple" is almost ready!  Bookcover

I plan to post it here in the next week or so with the hopes that anyone interested in improving the way they market will come grab it and share it with their friends and colleagues.  Just like other PC makers have changed the way they create products to better compete with Apple (the result is better products for all consumers) I hope this eBook helps marketers create better marketing that resonates with modern consumers.  The traditional approach to selling and marketing is coming to an end, and the modern approch requires companies to involve their customers in the communication of the value of their product.  This eBook gives the first five most important rules, perfected by Apple and applied by smart and savvy marketers on the leading edge. 

Stay tuned and come back to download your very own copy of Marketing Apple – 5 Secrets of the World’s Best Marketing Machine."  UPDATE: 8/28 – It’s DONE!  Come and get it.

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Almost ready

My eBook, entitled "Marketing Apple" is almost ready!  Bookcover

I plan to post it here in the next week or so with the hopes that anyone interested in improving the way they market will come grab it and share it with their friends and colleagues.  Just like other PC makers have changed the way they create products to better compete with Apple (the result is better products for all consumers) I hope this eBook helps marketers create better marketing that resonates with modern consumers.  The traditional approach to selling and marketing is coming to an end, and the modern approch requires companies to involve their customers in the communication of the value of their product.  This eBook gives the first five most important rules, perfected by Apple and applied by smart and savvy marketers on the leading edge. 

Stay tuned and come back to download your very own copy of Marketing Apple – 5 Secrets of the World’s Best Marketing Machine."  UPDATE: 8/28 – It’s DONE!  Come and get it.

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