AI makes the smarthome intelligent

As AI continues to advance, we can anticipate a new wave of smart home technologies that seamlessly integrate with our daily lives. Stay tuned here to learn more about that future.
The Future is Augmented by Intelligence

Tools to Improve Human Capabilities

AI is being harnessed by humans to augment our own thinking, and in the process, freeing our brains for more important tasks. 

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been a transformative force in multiple industries, but perhaps has the longest history as part of  smart home technology, revolutionizing how we interact with – and are protected by – our smarter living spaces. To understand where this is all going, keep watching this space.

Remarkably, the combination of these technologies that augment our muscles and our brains has lead to the creation of new tools that transport us places we could never go on our own. Think about the car you drive, the airplane you travel in, or the spacecraft that allows humans to reach for the stars – none would be possible without powerful tools that augment our own physical and mental limitations. 

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