Leopard Leaps to 2 Million sales

On par to be the most popular OS outside of Windows (give them time), Leopard has stunned the folks that follow these sorts of things – netting 2 million copies sold in record time.  Think Vista pace.

One great comment from the above MarketWatch story,  pointing to the unique benefit Apple enjoys is this "…in the Apple ecosystem, there are lots of evangelists that play a large role in proselytizing for Apple."  That’s the power of word of mouth.

My first clue Leopard was going to be big was when the Fedex guy showed up at 10am literally running to my door to deliver my pre-ordered copy of Leopard.  I asked him how many he had in his route and he said 10 – nearly 1/4 his deliveries that day.  He also told me that Apple gave Fedex a waiver that morning – the orders which normally require delivery by 10:30 could be delivered as late as 1pm.  Still, Mr. Fedex was running.

BTW, here is a personal word of mouth example: I asked my Dad to buy and install Leopard  so I could help control his computer remotely via their new sharing feature. But he just left me a voicemal that he had some install issues (on a new iMac) And I still can’t get Back to My Mac to work, either.

2 thoughts on “Leopard Leaps to 2 Million sales”

  1. Here in Australia the courier company that delivers the Apple gear, TNT, had to contract in third-party help last Friday to get the deliveries completed.

  2. Not be a nay-sayer but it helps that Apple’s install base has increased dramatically since 10.4 was released. When they talk about sales, I wonder how many are new systems vs upgrades??
    Don’t get me wrong, I love the news but it’s not really indicative of demand at this point. Tell me kn Jan how many new systems were sold this quarter and then we can do the math.
    As for me, I’ll hold off a bit and see what the first few 5.x releases bring – like Time Machine backing up to an airport drive, etc.

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Leopard Leaps to 2 Million sales

On par to be the most popular OS outside of Windows (give them time), Leopard has stunned the folks that follow these sorts of things – netting 2 million copies sold in record time.  Think Vista pace.

One great comment from the above MarketWatch story,  pointing to the unique benefit Apple enjoys is this "…in the Apple ecosystem, there are lots of evangelists that play a large role in proselytizing for Apple."  That’s the power of word of mouth.

My first clue Leopard was going to be big was when the Fedex guy showed up at 10am literally running to my door to deliver my pre-ordered copy of Leopard.  I asked him how many he had in his route and he said 10 – nearly 1/4 his deliveries that day.  He also told me that Apple gave Fedex a waiver that morning – the orders which normally require delivery by 10:30 could be delivered as late as 1pm.  Still, Mr. Fedex was running.

BTW, here is a personal word of mouth example: I asked my Dad to buy and install Leopard  so I could help control his computer remotely via their new sharing feature. But he just left me a voicemal that he had some install issues (on a new iMac) And I still can’t get Back to My Mac to work, either.

2 thoughts on “Leopard Leaps to 2 Million sales”

  1. Here in Australia the courier company that delivers the Apple gear, TNT, had to contract in third-party help last Friday to get the deliveries completed.

  2. Not be a nay-sayer but it helps that Apple’s install base has increased dramatically since 10.4 was released. When they talk about sales, I wonder how many are new systems vs upgrades??
    Don’t get me wrong, I love the news but it’s not really indicative of demand at this point. Tell me kn Jan how many new systems were sold this quarter and then we can do the math.
    As for me, I’ll hold off a bit and see what the first few 5.x releases bring – like Time Machine backing up to an airport drive, etc.

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